08 November 2010

Autobiography of Mark Twain

Autobiography of Mark Twain: The Complete and Authoritative Edition, Volume 1Some of the readers' comments about the new edition (the first complete and unexpurgated edition) of Mark Twain's autobiography  are reminding me of one of the things I love most about Kindle: an easy-on-the-eyes Georgia (I believe) font that I can adjust to my liking. More than one reader has set out to read this first volume (743 pages; hardback list price $34.95, Amazon hardback price $18.87, Kindle price $9.99) in print form and been turned away by the minuscule typeface. (Check out the 'click to look inside' samples at the Amazon product page for the print edition; I'm impressed that anyone can read 743 pages of it.) It's nice to save close to half the price of the book (or more, depending on how you calculate), but it's even nicer to have the right typeface. More another day about this new edition of the autobiography, the first volume (of three) of which I've just downloaded. For now I'll just say that I'm impressed that the book is selling so well at Amazon, where it's #10 in sales rank as of this writing.

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